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原标题:Binding form controls based on table fields in asp.net

I started new project in window application, My requirement for the project is :
1) create dynamic forms.
2) previously i added some the setting in the table tbl_settings.newly added dynamic forms should contains controls which are selected in the setting form(saved in tbl_setting table).
for example setting form contains
i)name of the form ii) current date check box iii) address check box iv) name check box v)gender
while adding dynamic form customer i ll check i,ii,iii,iv,v but while creating company form i ll select only i,ii,iii,iv not v that time by seeing dynamic forms company i ll get to enter only name of the form in the form header,current date text box,address text box,name text box should be available in the form & something in the customer except to gender drop down list etc in that form.
Is it possible to create dynamic forms & fields in window forms?
Why i m asking like this means in visual foxpro this option provided using control source property.
thanks in advance & replies are appreciable.


是有可能产生动态形式,但你需要注意物体的大小和点/位置。 你们是否看一看XyzClass. Designer.cs,在你对表格进行控制时自动产生/修改吗?

for e.g adding a label to win form programmatically.

public System.Windows.Forms.Label lblDynamic;
lblDynamic = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();

lblDynamic.AutoSize = true;
lblDynamic.Enabled = false;
lblDynamic.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(291, 68);
lblDynamic.Name = "lblDynamic";
lblDynamic.Text = "My dynamic label";
lblDynamic.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 13);
lblDynamic.TabIndex = 1;
lblDynamic.Visible = false;

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