English 中文(简体)
1. 健全管理的问题 2
原标题:Problems with SoundManager 2

I am trying to implement SoundManager 2 to play snippets of songs on this page. This is my current JavaScript code:

alert( c! );
soundManager.url =  http://www.transapine.ch/common/soundmanagerv297a-20120513/swf/soundmanager2.swf ;
soundManager.flashVersion = 8; // optional: shiny features (default = 8)
soundManager.useFlashBlock = false; // optionally, enable when you re ready to dive in
    Example HTML to make sound snippet:
        <a href="http://path.to/soundclip/sclip.mp3" class="sclip hidden"><img src="..." height="x" /></a>

alert( d! );
soundManager.onready(function() {
    alert( e! );
    var els = $.Elements.getElementsByClassName( sclip );
    var a = url =   ;
    var clips = new Array();
    var masterVolume = 100;

    for (var i=0; i<els.length; i++) {
        a = els[i];
        url = a.href;

        clips[i] = soundManager.createSound({
            id: "clip" + i,
            url: url,
            volume: masterVolume
        });//clips[i] = soundManager.createSound({

        $.Events.add(a, "click", function(e) {
        });//$.Events.add(el, "click", function() {

        $.CSS.removeClass(a,  hidden );// show the button

    }//for (var i=0; i<els.length; i++) {
});//soundManager.onready(function() {


<script src="http://assets.momo40k.ch/common/js/$-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">alert( a! ); //these alerts are for debugging</script>

<script src="http://assets.momo40k.ch/common/soundmanagerv297a-20120513/script/soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">alert( b! );</script>

<script src="http://assets.momo40k.ch/common/js/soundclips.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">alert( f! );</script>

<>说明: http://assets.momo40k.ch/common/js/%24.js”rel=“nofollow” 图书馆是一个小型图书馆,用于甚至消除浏览器差异。


1. SWF files

In SoundManager s tutorial it says to use soundManager.url to tell it the location of the SWF files it needs. Whatever value I gave it, it seemed to ignore it, as Firebug gave me the following error: NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://www.transalpine.ch/portale/soundmanager2.swf So I tried putting soundmanager2.swf in http://www.transalpine.ch/portale/, and the error disappeared, so I continued to see if I could get it to work like this.

<>说明: 网址的本节中,我有一张打字基的标签:http://www.transalpine.ch/portale。


2. Script doesn t execute in certain conditions

After that, nothing happened. The two testing buttons I had put on the page weren t appearing as they should be ($.CSS.removeClass(a, hidden ); removes the class hidden from the elements, effectively showing them), so I went about working out what was executing and what wasn t in my usual way: alerts! So I found out that soundclips.js wasn t executing at all, and then I found out that it could execute as long as lines 28-32 (clips[i] = soundManager.createSound({...});) were commented out. That puzzled me: how can something the browser hasn t even read yet prevent from reading that whole file?!

3. soundManager.onready doesn t fire


Does anyone know what s wrong with my setup, and what s causing all these problems? I m guessing 2 and 3 both derive from 1, but I really don t understand 1 nor how 2 can be... Thank you!



soundManager.url =  http://www.transapine.ch/common/soundmanagerv297a-20120513/swf/ ;

Everything else should somewhat be fixed now.

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