English 中文(简体)
1. 真正的斜 ob,而不是在血管中提取
原标题:Real objecs instead of drawing in canvas


I m working on a project right now where we generate graphs, which then will be displayed in a GUI. The GUI will be developed using Swing.

现在我不敢说最好用什么来绘制图表。 我当然可以使用Canvas的班级,但随后再修改被抽取的物体将十分困难。 更好的办法是把真正的物体添加到信库或德国马克,而不是把它引出。

你们能否建议任何良好的图书馆或 Java框架,以实现我想要做些什么?

仅澄清: 图表一指图表理论中的图表。 垂直和边缘。 因此,在《全球倡议》中添加真正的反向物体,然后再可以选择和一切。


I d highly recommend using this one: Netbeans Visual Library. It s developed as a part of the Netbeans RCP, but can be used without it. It is a highly abstract API for building visual components, with many already implemented. It provides a canvas, objects which you can build and display on canvas, simple map (overview) to navigate big container with ease and some generic layout algorithms.


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