页: 1 当用户浏览<编码>可调取的<<>可调用的<>密码>时,一定数额,然后释放他们的inger,而不是把 s发回顶,我想把50个点从顶点上排出来,实际上使屏幕顶和顶层之间的50个点相差。
目前,我已经实施了<条码> 编码>,但我不知道如何确定这些意见将回头去。
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate
// If scrolled over 100 points
if(-100 > (double)self.tableView.contentOffset.y) {
[self.tableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, -50) animated:YES];
The code above causes a weird flicker, like the animations are both running concurrently, but I m unsure.
UPDATE with more information
I m implementing "Pull down to refresh" functionality based upon this post: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6392145/120615
I ve added an extra UIView
to the top of the UITableView
and when you scroll the UITableView
, the UIView
moves down into view. When you release your finger from the screen, the UITableView
scrolls back to the top hiding the new UIView
I ve added.
我将做些什么? UITableView scrolls re to high but ends 100 points from the Superior (so I can show an activity index to theuser) and then after 2/3 seconds scrolls full to the Superior.