English 中文(简体)
2. 黄志
原标题:yellow icon for wamp server
  • 时间:2012-05-18 11:49:50
  •  标签:
  • wampserver


1. 导言 开放文档。 conf


# onlineoffline tag - don t remove
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from


# onlineoffline tag - don t remove
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all


2.left at the wamp icon > Put Online

无改动,目前仍在网上放置黄色icon-> 当地东道方不工作

3.apache --> service --> start service --> not work
4.apache --> service --> test port 80 -->

your port actually used by: server : Microsoft



Ok, i 即数字。 正在发生的是Skype正在阻止80港。 因此,你必须做以下工作:

  1. Right click on skype.
  2. Click on quit and allow it to quit.
  3. Left click on the Wamp Server icon
  4. Click Start all services.
  5. Thats it! If you want to use skype, do all of the steps (1-4) then start skype again.

It s my own problem and solveed it. click start and type servicesp-> open it and stop it ( at the r8 side). click on the yellow icon and got apache--> service--> test port 80--> if it s available, then again go to apache --> service and --> install service


i did face this complex and i did tried all the solution to make wamp server go to green , but it did not work , every thing at all , but , when i click on test port 80 on apache , it gives your port 80 is used by http/api2.0 . and from here i found the answer from a contributor in ther web site http://theandystratton.com/2012/wampapache-broken-from-microsoft-httpapi-2-0-using-port-80 , here is the solution :

转自微软 HTTP/API 2.0

  1. 开放你的控制小组(Start > Control Panel)

  2. 改变从类别到小或大系数的观点

  3. 公开行政工具

  4. 开放式服务

  5. 名单上的“网络部署人员”

  6. 权利点击和选择财产

  7. 浮标

  8. 更改其起步 价值等于“管理”

  9. Hit Apply/OK to Save the change

  10. 前往西澳大利亚共同市场,恢复所有服务

This should do it.

我发现了一个把地雷固定在虚拟氧化物上的问题。 由于某种原因,协会安装器从未安装过这一服务。 为解决这一问题,在你的任务禁区,选定阿帕奇特区;“服务”区;“Install Service”区,随后遵循监督事务司屏幕的指示。

之后再回到阿帕奇特;和特;服务与特;以及选择“Start/Resume Service”

Try this,

  1. Left click the wamp icon, go to apache and then test port 80.
  2. If it shows apache then it is working fine and if it shows MicrosoftApi etc. then go to services --> search for web deployment agent service and stop it.
  3. Restart the wamp and hope it works for you.


  1. Go to Control Panel -> Event Viewer
  2. Find "Apache Service" in "Summary of Administrative Events", then double click on it
  3. View errors and fix them.


有许多模糊不清的事情可以造成这种情况,在我允许延长PHP zip时,它造成了黄色的icon,服务也没有开始。 由于这些服务没有开始,我就不得不放弃延期,不得不人工洗衣Sphp.ini,并发表评论。 然后,轮椅开始罚款。


My solution was using a different port rather than 80.

  1. Left click over the "W" icon
  2. Select Apache > Use a port other than 80
  3. 8080 worked fine for me





• 接待你的技术旅;

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc HOW TO FIX ANY PROBLEM with WAMP-SERVER:

Go to Control Panel -> Event Viewer Find "Apache Service" in "Summary of Administrative Events", then double click on it.

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 观点错误和固定错误。

MY ERROR WAS: MySQL was not working, mariaDB was blocking the port 3306. I had to go to services and end the service. After that I installed again MySQL service from left click menu (wamp icon). And then I Started All Services and it was green again :)

Cheers @Tin Nguyen

for me, I had the code execution cannot proceed because vcruntime140.dll error in the installation process and fixed by installing Microsoft VC packages downloaded from this URL

但此后,黄色icon并非通过一切可能的方式确定,it 只是通过重新安装 w!

i 存在同样的问题,点击“icon =>”;pache => 服务 => 安装服务

however avoid installing 64 bit wamp, sometimes it throws dll errors, i recommend Laragon instead

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