English 中文(简体)
• 如何产生六种任意黑色,并将其放入鲁比拉阵列?
原标题:How to generate six random hex colors and put them in a Ruby array?

I m 制作带有RMagick的项目,在大小和颜色方面生成随机的旗帜广告。

第一步是这样做,但并非正常工作。 我用所谓的“永恒声明”来做像“......”,pf0f1cd, #123fff”等的扼杀。

# Generate sixteen random colors
1.upto(16) { |i|
    (defined? colors) ? colors << ", #%06x" % (rand(0xffffff)) : colors = "#%06x" % (rand(0xffffff))
puts colors.split( , )

The desired outcome is not correct. I want it split into an array like: ["#ffffff", "#f0f1cd", "#123fff"]




colors = 3.times.map{"%06x" % (rand * 0x1000000)}


colors = 3.times.map{"%06x" % rand(0..0xffffff)}


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