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第一次从JSON公司的答复中装载时,Ext JS 空出的Selector
原标题:Ext JS empty ItemSelector when loaded for the First time from a JSON response

我正在与使用Exjs的Alelector一道制作一个表格。 4. 第四条第4款 我正在利用Json储存,我在那里的反应如下:

{"items":[{"id":"12","name":"Cable"},{"id":"8","name":"Document"},{"id":"1","name":"Equipment"},{"id":"2","name":"Instrument"},     {"id":"10","name":"Isometric"},{"id":"11","name":"Joint"},{"id":"4","name":"Line"},{"id":"3","name":"LineSeg"},{"id":"5","name":"Specialty"},{"id":"6","name":"Spool"},{"id":"7","name":"Valve"},{"id":"9","name":"Weld"}]}

My Form

         Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect ,

Ext.define( MyAPP.view.directory.MyForm , {
    extend:  Ext.form.Panel ,
alias: widget.myform ,
    border: false,
    split: true,
bodyPadding: 5,
autoScroll : true,
defaults: {
    anchor:  100% 

defaultType:  textfield ,
items: [
xtype: fieldset ,
title:  Commodities ,
collapsible: true,
defaultType:  textfield ,
defaults: {anchor:  100% },
layout:  anchor ,
items :[
        xtype:  itemselector ,
        name:  commoselector ,
        id: commoselector ,
        listAvailable:  ,
        listSelected:  ,
        fieldLabel:   ,
        imagePath:  extjs407/ux/css/images/ ,
        store: Ext.create( MyAPP.store.CommodityStore ),
        displayField:  name ,
        valueField:  id ,
        //value: [ 9 ],
        //allowBlank: false,
        msgTarget:  under 

 initComponent: function () {


 Ext.define( MyAPP.store.CommodityStore , {

  extend:  Ext.data.Store ,

 constructor: function(cfg) {

 var me = this;
 cfg = cfg || {};
     autoLoad: true,
     autoDestroy: true,
     storeId:  CommodityStore ,
     proxy: {
        type:  ajax ,
        url:  getCommodityList ,
        reader: {
            type:  json ,
            root:  items 
    fields: [
            {name:  id },
            {name:  name }
   }, cfg)]);

When the form created its not loading the blank store although the JSON is correct. Where am doing wrong? Please help. Thanks in advance

initComponent: function () {
var me = this;
Ext.applyIf(me, {
    listeners: {
    beforerender: {
            fn: me.onFormBeforeRender,
            scope: me



onFormBeforeRender: function(abstractcomponent, options) {
        // where store is created globally like this var store =          Ext.create( TIP.store.CommodityStore );




您不必像在<条码>上手工制作:Ext.create(......)。 MyAPP.store.C CommoditiesStore ,

What you usually do is just put store: CommodityStore and ExtJs will do the rest automatically.

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