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探寻视频活动 HMTL5(主要在iOs4上)
原标题:Detect seeking video event HMTL5 (mainly on iOs4)

I need to detect seeking event, because on iOs4 there s seeked but no seeking event. I would not like to detect the device but the functionality.

I could make an awful addEvent/fireEvent, but I m looking for something as sexy as seeking in myElement.


var lastUnixTimeStamp;
var lastCurrentVideoTime;

videoplayer.addEvent( timeupdate ,function(){

    if( !lastUnixTimeStamp && !lastCurrentVideoTime ){  //not defined at first timeupdate event
         lastUnixTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();
         lastCurrentVideoTime = videoplayer.currentTime;

    var videoTimeOffset = videoplayer.currentTime - lastCurrentVideoTime;  //how many milliseconds was video running
    var realTimeOffset = new Date().getTime() - lastUnixTimeStamp;  //how many milliseconds were real time running

    //guess the numbers are not accurate, so if the difference between both is f.e. < 100ms, video runs normally 
   if( (videoTimeOffset - realTimeOffset) > 100 ){
       //do your seeking magic

    lastUnixTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();
    lastCurrentVideoTime = videoplayer.currentTime;


如上所述,可能不是最佳解决办法,而是应该这样做。 good

只有在你努力取得进展的情况下,这一解决办法才会奏效。 如果你想去找回,你必须核实录像是否真的。 时间序列为负数:

var lastUnixTimeStamp;
var lastCurrentVideoTime;

videoplayer.addEvent( timeupdate ,function(){

if( !lastUnixTimeStamp && !lastCurrentVideoTime ){  //not defined at first timeupdate event
     lastUnixTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();
     lastCurrentVideoTime = videoplayer.currentTime;

var videoTimeOffset = videoplayer.currentTime - lastCurrentVideoTime;  //how many milliseconds was video running
var realTimeOffset = new Date().getTime() - lastUnixTimeStamp;  //how many milliseconds were real time running

//guess the numbers are not accurate, so if the difference between both is f.e. < 100ms, video runs normally 
if( (videoTimeOffset - realTimeOffset) > 100 || (videoTimeOffset < 0 )){
   //do your seeking magic

lastUnixTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();
lastCurrentVideoTime = videoplayer.currentTime;


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