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原标题:Publishing option is not available for one content type in drupal
  • 时间:2012-05-19 20:05:37
  •  标签:
  • drupal

I have drupal 6.25. I have some content types like article, editors, slideshow and others.
publishing options are listed normally for all content types except "article" (although i gave "administer nodes" permission to my editors). i have tried some modules like Override Node Options but i still have the same problem for this content type for all users (of course except the admin user, admin can see it normally).
any idea of what might cause this and how to fix it?
Thanks for your help


它认为,贵单元之一在出版其提供的洲际类型选择方面有一些硬性编码。 为了将模块或可拆卸装置单元编成编码,必须逐级核对结果。 如果你知道哪些模块会影响某些内容类型的许可,那么你可以研究这个模块的问题。 可能的话,它有一条与永久财产有关的节点,或者错误的形式取决于角色。



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