English 中文(简体)
G. XML 仅指名下的儿童
原标题:Get XML only immediate children elements by name

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 我的问题是:。 如果有与父母一方的“大子女”相同的名称的其他要素,我怎么能直接根据具体的母子要素来掌握有关内容。

http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/org/w3c/dom/ Package-summary.html” 部件和Im 陷入困境。 这里使用:

      <group name="zip-group.zip" zip="true">
        <file location="C:validdirectory" />
        <file location="C:anothervalidfile.doc" />
        <file location="C:validfilehere.txt" />
    <file location="C:validfile.txt" />
    <file location="C:validfile.xml" />
    <file location="C:validfile.doc" />

如你所知,你有两个地方可以把<代码><file>要素定位。 无论是群体还是外部群体。 我真的希望它这样做,因为它更加方便用户。

现在,每当我打电话notificationElement.getElementsByTagName(“file”);给我所有的<file> 内容,包括<group>。 我对这些类型的档案进行不同处理,因此这种功能是不可取的。


  1. Get the parent element of the file element and deal with it accordingly (depending on whether it s <notification> or <group>.
  2. Rename the second <file> element to avoid confusion.


I m open to IMPO comments and questionnaire about the "best” way to do this, but I m really interest in DOM Solutions because that s what the other of this project is used. 感谢。



When I iterate through the filesNodeList, which is returned when I call notificationElement.getElementsByTagName("file"), I just check whether the parent node s name is "notification". If it isn t then I ignore it because that will be handled by the <group> element. Here s my code solution:

for (int j = 0; j < filesNodeList.getLength(); j++) {
  Element fileElement = (Element) filesNodeList.item(j);
  if (!fileElement.getParentNode().getNodeName().equals("notification")) {

I realise you found something of a solution to this in May @kentcdodds but I just had a fairly similar problem which I ve now found, I think (perhaps in my usecase, but not in yours), a solution to.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <relationship num="1">
        <relationship num="2">
            <relationship num="2.1"/>
            <relationship num="2.2"/>
    <relationship num="1.1"/>
    <relationship num="1.2"/>


As you can hopefully see from this snippet, the format I want can have N-levels of nesting for [relationship] nodes, so obviously the problem I had with Node.getChildNodes() was that I was getting all nodes from all levels of the hierarchy, and without any sort of hint as to Node depth.

看看rel=“noreferer”>API for a while ,我注意到实际上还有两种可能使用的方法:-

这两种方法似乎共同提供了获得诺德所有直系后代要素所需的一切。 下面的jsp法典应当对如何执行这一规定给出一个相当基本的想法。 共同财产调查方案。 我现在把这段话推入一个灯塔,但现在没有时间从单独法中形成一个全面的工作版本。

<%@page import="javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory,
                java.io.File" %><% 
try {

    File fXmlFile = new File(application.getRealPath("/") + "/utils/forms-testbench/dom-test/test.xml");
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document doc = dBuilder.parse(fXmlFile);

    Element docEl = doc.getDocumentElement();       
    Node childNode = docEl.getFirstChild();     
    while( childNode.getNextSibling()!=null ){          
        childNode = childNode.getNextSibling();         
        if (childNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {         
            Element childElement = (Element) childNode;             
            out.println("NODE num:-" + childElement.getAttribute("num") + "<br/>
" );          

} catch (Exception e) {
    out.println("ERROR:- " + e.toString() + "<br/>


该法典将产生以下产出,只显示最初根 no中的儿童直接因素。

NODE num:-1
NODE num:-1.1
NODE num:-1.2

希望能帮助任何人。 最初员额的乘客。


查阅<代码><file> nodes direct children of <notification>//notification/file和<group> use/groups/file


public class SO10689900 {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
        Document doc = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader("<notifications>
" + 
                "  <notification>
" + 
                "    <groups>
" + 
                "      <group name="zip-group.zip" zip="true">
" + 
                "        <file location="C:\valid\directory\" />
" + 
                "        <file location="C:\this\file\doesn t\exist.grr" />
" + 
                "        <file location="C:\valid\file\here.txt" />
" + 
                "      </group>
" + 
                "    </groups>
" + 
                "    <file location="C:\valid\file.txt" />
" + 
                "    <file location="C:\valid\file.xml" />
" + 
                "    <file location="C:\valid\file.doc" />
" + 
                "  </notification>
" + 
        XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
        XPathExpression expr1 = xpath.compile("//notification/file");
        NodeList nodes = (NodeList)expr1.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
        System.out.println("Files in //notification");

        XPathExpression expr2 = xpath.compile("//groups/group/file");
        NodeList nodes2 = (NodeList)expr2.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
        System.out.println("Files in //groups/group");

    public static void printFiles(NodeList nodes) {
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); ++i) {
            Node file = nodes.item(i);


Files in //notification
Files in //groups/group
location="C:	hisfiledoesn texist.grr"


NodeList nodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName("notification")

// get the immediate child (1st generation)
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++)
    switch (nodeList.item(i).getNodeType()) {
        case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:

            Element element = (Element) nodeList.item(i);
            System.out.println("element name: " + element.getNodeName());
            // check the element name
            if (element.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("file"))

                // do something with you "file" element (child first generation)

                System.out.println("element name: "
                    + element.getNodeName() + " attribute: "
                    + element.getAttribute("location"));




NodeList nodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName("notification")



for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++)

1. 您首先掌握其类型,以便了解它是否是一个要素:

switch (nodeList.item(i).getNodeType()) {
    case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:



if (element.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("file"))

    // do something with you "file" element (child first generation)

    System.out.println("element name:"
        + element.getNodeName() + " attribute: "
        + element.getAttribute("location"));



element name: file
element name:file attribute: C:validfile.txt
element name: file
element name:file attribute: C:validfile.xml
element name: file
element name:file attribute: C:validfile.doc

I had the same problem in one of my projects and wrote a little function which will return a List<Element> containing only the immediate children. Basically it checks for each node returned by getElementsByTagName if it s parentNode is actually the node we are searching childs of:

public static List<Element> getDirectChildsByTag(Element el, String sTagName) {
        NodeList allChilds = el.getElementsByTagName(sTagName);
        List<Element> res = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < allChilds.getLength(); i++) {
            if (allChilds.item(i).getParentNode().equals(el))
                res.add((Element) allChilds.item(i));

        return res;

The accepted answer by kentcdodds will return wrong results (e.g. grandchilds) if there is a childnode called "notification" - e.g. returning grandchilds when the element "group" would have the name "notification". I was facing that setup in my project, which is why I came up with my function.


public static String getValue(Element item, String tagToGet, String parentTagName) {
    NodeList n = item.getElementsByTagName(tagToGet);
    Node nodeToGet = null;
    for (int i = 0; i<n.getLength(); i++) {
        if (n.item(i).getParentNode().getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(parentTagName)) {
            nodeToGet = n.item(i);
    return getElementValue(nodeToGet);

public final static String getElementValue(Node elem) {
    Node child;
    if (elem != null) {
        if (elem.hasChildNodes()) {
            for (child = elem.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child
                    .getNextSibling()) {
                if (child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                    return child.getNodeValue();
    return "";

我遇到了一个相关的问题,即尽管所有“档案”节点的处理方式都相似,但我需要处理眼前的儿童节点。 就我的解决办法而言,我比较了Element 母子的 no子和正在处理中的 no子,以确定其是否立即是儿童。

NodeList fileNodes = parentNode.getElementsByTagName("file");
for(int i = 0; i < fileNodes.getLength(); i++){
                if (fileNodes.item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {

                    //process the child node...


For Each child As XmlElement In From cn As XmlNode In xe.ChildNodes Where cn.Name = "file"


fun Element.childrenWithTagName(name: String): List<Node> = childNodes
    .filter { it.nodeName == name }


val meta = target.newChildElement("meta-coverage")
source.childrenWithTagName("counter").forEach {


fun NodeList.asList(): List<Node> = InternalNodeList(this)

private class InternalNodeList(
    private val list: NodeList,
    override val size: Int = list.length
) : RandomAccess, AbstractList<Node>() {
    override fun get(index: Int): Node = list.item(index)

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