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原标题:defining variables in blocks of control structures
  • 时间:2012-05-20 15:48:10
  •  标签:
  • c++



added later: in following code I know v scope is if block, but I want to know whether v is created/destroyed in the memory at the start/end of the if block or at the start/end of the function func?

void func ()
    if (true)
        int v;//automatic storage class
        v = 1;


取决于您的<><> > 声明。 页: 1

The variable is only accessible in the scope where you declare it. It can be accessed beyond tht scope if you explicitly pass it around but if it remains valid would depend on the storage type of the variable.
For eg: static variables remain alive throughout the program lifetime, while,
returning address of an automatic variable from an function would result in Undefined Behavior because the variable does not remain valid after the function returns.

Good Read: What is the difference between a definition and a declaration?



For dynamic objects You can use memory profiling tools like valgrind with Massif or you could replace new and delete operators for your class and collect the diagnostic information.

<>光线> 处理更新的Q。

下面的代码I知道v scope is if >,但我想知道,在功能的起步或起/起步时,在记忆中是否建立了<代码>v<>/code>?

v is created when the scope in which it is declared starts and the statement where it is declared gets executed. v is destroyed once the scope ends i.e } is reached.
This concept is used for forming the basis of one of the most widely used concepts in C++ known as Resource Allocation is Initialization(RAII). Every C++ programmer absolutely must know about it.


class Myclass
In Myclass Constructor ";}
In Myclass Destructor";}

void func()
Before Scope Begins";
    if (true)
        Myclass obj;//automatic storage class
After Scope Ends";

int main()
Before Calling func()";
After Calling func()";
    return 0;


Before Calling func()
Before Scope Begins
In Myclass Constructor
In Myclass Destructor
After Scope Ends
After Calling func()


如果地方变量is物体,则该物体的寿命在被宣布变数的区块结束时终止。 例:

Foo x;            //  lifetime of "x" begins


    Foo y;        //  lifetime of "y" begins

    Foo & a = x;  //  local variable "a", no new object


}                 //  lifetime of "y" ends; "y" and "a" go out of scope

                  //  (lifetime of "x" ends with its surrounding scope,
                  //   or end of program if it was global)

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