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如何在中间点(纬度、经度)获得 2 或 3 个半径位置
原标题:How to get 2 or 3 radial location s middle point (Latitude, Longtitude)

I tried to use haversine i couldn t succeed Basically my problem is i have 3 map locations with their Lat and Long values. What i trying to do is getting this triangle s middle point.


""https://i.stack.imgur.com/xkPEV.jpg" alt="在这里输入图像描述"/ >

I Have the locations of H, F and I points. i need to know question mark s location. 41.040035,28.984026 41.040868,28.985807 41.039136,28.984981

PHP, MYSQL or Objective C any of these languages are ok as an answer. Even suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.




[edit] 我忘了转换成弧度进行计算, 所以它给出了不同的输出, 所以现在应该是正常的...


function middlepoint($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2,$lat3,$lon3){
    $w1=1095.75;$w2=730.5;$w3=365.25;$tw=$w1+$w2+$w3;   //weighting factors

    $x1=cos(floatval(deg2rad($lat1)))*cos(floatval(deg2rad($lon1)));$y1=cos(floatval(deg2rad($lat1)))*sin(floatval(deg2rad($lon1)));$z1=sin(floatval(deg2rad($lat1)));$x2=cos(floatval(deg2rad($lat2)))*cos(floatval(deg2rad($lon2)));$y2=cos(floatval(deg2rad($lat2)))*sin(floatval(deg2rad($lon2)));$z2=sin(floatval(deg2rad($lat2)));$x3=cos(floatval(deg2rad($lat3)))*cos(floatval(deg2rad($lon3)));$y3=cos(floatval(deg2rad($lat3)))*sin(floatval(deg2rad($lon3)));$z3=sin(floatval(deg2rad($lat3)));  //convert lat/long to cartesian (x,y,z) coordinates

    $x = ($x1*$w1+$x2*$w2+$x3*$w3)/$tw;$y=($y1*$w1+$y2*$w2+$y3*$w3)/$tw;$z=($z1*$w1+$z2*$w2+$z3*$w3)/$tw;   //Compute combined weighted cartesian coordinates

    $lon=atan2($y,$x);$hyp=sqrt(pow($x,2)+pow($y,2));$lat=atan2($z,$hyp);   //Convert cartesian coordinate to latitude and longitude for the midpoint

    $midpoint[0] = $lon * (180/pi());$midpoint[1] = $lat * (180/pi());  //Convert from radians to degrees

    return $midpoint;   //return an array(lat,lon);


$test = middlepoint(41.040035,28.984026,41.040868,28.985807,41.039136,28.984981);



您也可能对< a href=>" barycentic坐标 。

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