English 中文(简体)
我如何设定一个函数, 使编程线将等到编程线完成, 并移动到下一行的 javastramp 。
原标题:How do i make a function so that the programming line will wait until it s done and move to the next line in javascript

I m creating an HTML5 with Javascript, but sometimes the code is executing the next line of statement before the current line is finished,

For example, I m passing an image to an object in Javascript, but then the next statement is executed already before the object has the image, so sometimes the object has no image, but sometimes it has,

So between the 2 lines I need to assign something like callback or wait function, but i dont know how

var image=new Image();

Javascript 是( 主要是) 零星的, 这是件好事 。 您不想在等待图像时屏蔽 UI 。

在图像完成后执行 ws. send 时使用以下方法执行 :

var image = new Image();
image.onload = function()
image.src =  image.jpg ;

如果你这样做同步,整个程序会阻断, 你不想这样做。


function doSomething(callback)

 console.log( im done! );

Not sure if your question is image specific, but for images, you can do the following: The onload event will fire once the image is loaded.

var im = new Image();
im.onload = function() { ws.send( complete ); }
im.src =  path/to/image.jpg 

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