我设置了一个 php 文件的 cron- job 。 我还设置了电子邮件, 这样当 cron 被执行时, 我就会收到电子邮件提醒 。 因此, 我在该 php 文件中的“ enough> echo strong” 里加了什么语句 。
我怀疑它不是检查代码状况, 它只是通过代码 & amp; 在邮件体中显示回声语句 。
查看下面的代码- :
$query_update = "UPDATE tier_price tp
JOIN catalog_product_entity cpe ON cpe.entity_id = tp.entity_id
AND cpe.name LIKE $col2 AND website_id = $col4
JOIN customer_group cg ON cg.customer_group_id = tp.customer_group_id AND cg.customer_group_code = $col1 SET cpetp.value = ".$col3.";";
$count = mysql_affected_rows();
if($count == 1)
echo "<br />"."Price for customer group $col1 for item $col2 is updated to $col3";
if($count == 0)
$qry_fetch_product = "SELECT entity_id FROM catalog_product_entity WHERE name = $col2 ";
$res_qry_fetch_product = mysql_query($qry_fetch_product);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res_qry_fetch_product))
$entity_id = $row["entity_id"];
$qry_fetch_grp_code = "SELECT customer_group_id FROM customer_group WHERE customer_group_code = $col1 ";
$res_qry_fetch = mysql_query($qry_fetch_grp_code);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res_qry_fetch))
$customer_group_id = $row["customer_group_id"];
$qry_insert_base = "INSERT into tier_price(entity_id,customer_group_id,qty,value,website_id) VALUES ($entity_id,$customer_group_id,1,$col3,$col4)";
$res_qry_insert_base = mysql_query($qry_insert_base);
echo "<br />"."Price $col3 for customer group $col1 for item $col2 is inserted";
<br />Price for customer group 101 for item abc is updated to 252<br />Price 252 for customer group 101 for item abc is inserted
<br />Price for customer group 102 for item pqr is updated to 252.49<br />Price 252.49 for customer group 102 for item pqr is inserted
<br />Price for customer group 103 for item xyz is updated to 15.5<br />Price 15.5 for customer group 103 for item xyz is inserted
所以,我的怀疑是,它进入两个循环, 不应该是真实的。 就像如果查询得到更新的计数变成 1, 所以它只能进行节流, 如果( $count = 1) 环圈 & amp; 类似的话, 如果没有更新的计数变成 0, 但是从 o/ p, 我们可以看到它在两个循环和 amp 中运行; 我们可以看到电子邮件提示中的两行, 这非常令人困惑...
任何人都能提供避免此现象的解决方案... 因此,如果更新发生, 它会在邮件中显示更新或者插入, 它会在代码中插入语句 。