English 中文(简体)
模板: Toolkit 变量处理
原标题:Template::Toolkit variable processing

我从perl 使用 TT, 并试图插入模板和处理一个变量, 该变量本身包含 TT 指令 。


$var{descr} = "[% pid = 1; INSERT plink.par %]";


[% BLOCK parsedDescr %]
[% descr %]
[% END %]
<p>[% INCLUDE parsedDescr %]

And I m expecting pid variable being set to "1", and plink.par file inserted. But instead I get on my html page exactly contents of the variable descr:

[% pid = 1; INSERT plink.par %]




http://template-toolkit.org/docs/manual/Filters.html#section_eval_evaltt" rel=“noreferrer”>eval过滤器 :

<p>[% descr | eval %]

从链接的 manpage 中 :

The eval filter evaluates the block as template text, processing any directives embedded within it. This allows template variables to contain template fragments, or for some method to be provided for returning template fragments from an external source such as a database, which can then be processed in the template as required.



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