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使用 log4net 时无法通过 Nant 运行测试大小写
原标题:Unable to Run test case through Nant when using log4net
  • 时间:2012-05-23 05:47:55
  •  标签:
  • build
  • nant

I am working on a dotnet 2008, Nunit 2.6,Nant0.91 application. I am using log4net for my logging purposes.

当试图通过 Nunit 运行测试案例时, 生成了一个日志文件, 但是当我试图通过 Nant 运行时, 我无法运行测试案例 。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="w2" default="run" basedir=".">
    <!--Here we are building DLL -->
    <target name="build">
        <mkdir dir="Libraries" />
        <mkdir dir="Output"/>
        <csc target="library" output="Libraries/${project::get-
                <include name="C:\Users\rm99699\Documents\Visual Studio
        2008\Projects\w2\w2\*.cs" />
                <include name="C:\Users\rm99699\Documents\Visual Studio 2008
            <references basedir="Libraries">
                <include name="${nant::scan-probing-
        paths( nunit.framework.dll )}" />
                <include name="${nant::scan-probing-paths( log4net.dll )}" />
                <include name="D:selenium-
et35WebDriver.dll" />
                <include name="D:selenium-
et35WebDriver.Support.dll" />
                <include name="D:selenium-
et35ThoughtWorks.Selenium.Core.dll" />

    <!--Here we are running testcases -->

    <target name="run" depends="build">
        <nunit2 failonerror="false" >
            <formatter type="Xml" usefile="true" extension=".xml"
            <test assemblyname="C:\Users\rm99699\Documents\Visual Studio 2008
        Projects\w2\w2\Libraries\w2.dll"  appconfig="C:\Users\rm99699
        Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\w2\w2\app.config">
                <references basedir="Libraries">
                    <include name="${nant::scan-probing-
        paths( nunit.framework.dll )}" />
                    <include name="D:selenium-dotnet-2.8.0
et35WebDriver.dll" />
                    <include name="D:selenium-
et35WebDriver.Support.dll" />
                    <include name="D:selenium-
et35ThoughtWorks.Selenium.Core.dll" />
                    <include name ="D:
        2.0log4net.dll" />
                    <!-- <include name="${nant::scan-probing-paths( log4net.dll )}" />-->

根据我的建筑文件 是否有明显错误 阻止我处理测试案例?


控制台输出是什么? NAnt 包含其核心的对数 4net, 我见过当一个代码使用不同于 Nant 的不同版本的对数 4net 时, 它会产生问题。 您可以尝试使用 < code\ lt; exec> 任务来运行单元测试 -- -- 特别是因为 NAnt s 任务使用了令人发指的过期的 NUM 2. 2 。

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