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Pphp 外币密钥数据库的 pphp 搜索引擎
原标题:php search engine for a database with foreignkeys
  • 时间:2012-05-21 13:49:09
  •  标签:
  • php
  • mysql

hi 所有我正在尝试创建一个php搜索页面,该页面将从 Mysql 数据库中提供一份书籍列表,然后当点击书名时,该书名将提供一份与它们关系表上的书籍列表。我略微挣扎着代码,希望有人能伸出援手


    $column_name =  title ; // column to search by
    $k =$_GET[ k ];
    $terms = explode(" ",$k);
    //connect before calling mysql_real_escape_string
    $query ="SELECT id,title,author 
    FROM  books WHERE";
    foreach ($terms as $each){
        $each =  %  . $each .  % ; // add wildcard
        $each = mysql_real_escape_string($each); // prevent sql injection
            $query .= " $column_name LIKE  $each  ";
            $query .= " OR $column_name LIKE  $each  ";


    echo  QUERY:   . $query;

    $query = mysql_query($query) OR DIE(mysql_error());

//Code below is for using the relationships table assuming you have a column name id that
//references to the relationships table. Also, you should add a index on the column id.

$results = "";

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
  $results .=  <li>
                <a href="book-relationships.php?id= .$row[ relationshipid ]. "> .$row[ title ].   author:  .$row[ author ]. </a>
              </li> ;

$results =  <ul>  . $results .  </ul> ;

echo $results;

删除“; 从此行中删除 :

FROM books WHERE ";                 ";

您必须申报 $i

$i = 0;

为了防止 sql 注入,您可以使用:

foreach ($terms as $each){
        $each =  %  . $each .  % ; // add wildcard
        $each = mysql_real_escape_string($each); // prevent sql injection
            $query .= " $keywords LIKE  $each  ";
            $query .= " OR $keywords LIKE  $each  ";


另外, 确定用户无法将变量设置到不存在的表格


    $column_name =  title ; // column to search by
    $k =$_GET[ k ];
    $terms = explode(" ",$k);
    //connect before calling mysql_real_escape_string
    $query ="SELECT id,title,author 
    FROM  books WHERE";
    foreach ($terms as $each){
        $each =  %  . $each .  % ; // add wildcard
        $each = mysql_real_escape_string($each); // prevent sql injection
            $query .= " $column_name LIKE  $each  ";
            $query .= " OR $column_name LIKE  $each  ";


    echo  QUERY:   . $query;

    $query = mysql_query($query) OR DIE(mysql_error());

//Code below is for using the relationships table assuming you have a column name id that
//references to the relationships table. Also, you should add a index on the column id.

$results = "";

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
  $results .=  <li>
                <a href="book-relationships.php?id= .$row[ id ]. "> .$row[ title ].   author:  .$row[ author ]. </a>
              </li> ;

$results =  <ul>  . $ results .  </ul> ;

echo $results;


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