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线索倾弃分析(AWT- EventQueue可运行但条件等待)
原标题:Thread dump analysis (AWT-EventQueue runnable but waiting on condition)


"AWT-EventQueue-0" prio=6 tid=0x0000000009949000 nid=0x7bec waiting on condition [0x000000000ebbc000]
  java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
      at java.math.BigInteger.valueOf(Unknown Source)
      at java.math.BigDecimal.inflate(Unknown Source)
      at java.math.BigDecimal.add(Unknown Source)
      at uk.co.xx.xxx.xxxx.XXX$4.get(XXX.java:171)

Note that no other thread in the thread dump is in XXX.java. The corresponding code line (XXX.java:171) looks somewhat inoffensive:

a = a.add(b.multiply(c, MATH_CONTEXT), MATH_CONTEXT);


  • a, b and c are local BigDecimal variables.
  • MATH_CONTEXT is a public final static variable, only accessed within XXX.java

我的问题 " /强 " (回答其中任何问题都大有帮助)

  • Is this evidence of a deadlock or liveness issue (the thread does not seem to make progress but it is in RUNNABLE state)?
  • Is this the likely reason for the freeze or should I look somewhere else?
  • What would be the next step to solve the problem?

这是否是僵局或生存问题的证据(线条似乎没有取得进展,而是在Runnable state)?


这是冻结的原因吗? 还是我该找别的地方?








我会尝试附加一个剖析器 检查内存是否在增长, 因为这个系统可以交换内存, 为什么它看起来挂起来, 但我没有。

剖析器还告诉你 如果线索真的挂着 如果挂着的话 似乎挂着的地方

用于个人特征分析的i 使用视像VM。

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