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WPF 中的动态主题
原标题:Dynamic Themes in WPF

I am gong to develop an windows application in .net using WPF. So, how we can implement dynamic themes at run time. I have have searched a lot about this but I can nt understand this thing. If I add the below line in app.xaml then it shows error because how we can add thing line directly. Although there is no file exist with the name of "ExpressionDark".

<ResourceDictionary Source="Themes/ExpressionDark.xaml"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="ExpressionDark.xaml"/>

Thanks in advance :)


假设使用 DynamicThemes ,您的意思是将主题放在运行时, 也就是以最佳的方式装入资源字典, 将控件样式充斥到主要应用程序的资源或任何控件中。

    public static ResourceDictionary GetThemeResourceDictionary(Uri theme)
        if (theme != null)
            return Application.LoadComponent(theme) as ResourceDictionary;
        return null;

    public static void ApplyTheme(this ContentControl control /* Change this to Application to use this function at app level */, string theme)
        ResourceDictionary dictionary = GetThemeResourceDictionary(theme);

        if (dictionary != null)
            // Be careful here, you ll need to implement some logic to prevent errors.
            // For app level
            // app.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Clear();
            // app.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(dictionary);


您可以像这样在 App.Xaml 中合并主题 :

            <ResourceDictionary Source="defaulttheme.xaml" />

默认主题. xaml 文件必须位于您的工程根部。 如果您想要为此主题构建自己的工程, 您可以将资源合并 :

  <ResourceDictionary Source="/MyThemeProject;component/defaulttheme.xaml" />       

在此默认hteme. xaml 中也必须在 root 的 MyTheme Project 中, 不要忘记从您主工程中添加该工程的引用 。


<ResourceDictionary Source="/MyThemeProject;component/Folder1/Folder2/defaulttheme.xaml" />

将主题转换为主题, 首先清除合并字典, 然后添加新主题

NewTheme = new Uri(@"/MyThemeProject;component/folder1/Folder2/bluetheme.xaml", UriKind.Relative);


观 观 观


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