English 中文(简体)
原标题:Traits in javascript [closed]
function Trait (methods) {
  this.traits = [methods];

Trait.prototype = {
    constructor: Trait

  , uses: function (trait) {
      this.traits = this.traits.concat (trait.traits);
      return this;

  , useBy: function (obj) {
      for (var i = 0; i < this.traits.length; ++i) {
        var methods = this.traits [i];
        for (var prop in methods) {
          if (methods.hasOwnProperty (prop)) {
            obj [prop] = obj [prop] || methods [prop];

Trait.unimplemented = function (obj, traitName) {
  if (obj === undefined || traitName === undefined) {
    throw new Error ("Unimplemented trait property.");
  throw new Error (traitName + " is not implemented for " + obj);


var TEq = new Trait ({
    equalTo: function (x) {
      Trait.unimplemented (this, "equalTo");

  , notEqualTo: function (x) {
      return !this.equalTo (x);

var TOrd = new Trait ({
    lessThan: function (x) {
      Trait.unimplemented (this, "lessThan");

  , greaterThan: function (x) {
      return !this.lessThanOrEqualTo (x);

  , lessThanOrEqualTo: function (x) {
      return this.lessThan (x) || this.equalTo (x);

  , greaterThanOrEqualTo: function (x) {
      return !this.lessThan (x);
}).uses (TEq);

function Rational (numerator, denominator) {
  if (denominator < 0) {
    numerator *= -1;
    denominator *= -1;
  this.numerator = numerator;
  this.denominator = denominator;

Rational.prototype = {
    constructor: Rational

  , equalTo: function (q) {
      return this.numerator * q.numerator === this.denominator * q.denominator;

  , lessThan: function (q) {
      return this.numerator * q.denominator < q.numerator * this.denominator;

TOrd.useBy (Rational.prototype);

var x = new Rational (1, 5);
var y = new Rational (1, 2);

[x.notEqualTo (y), x.lessThan (y)]; // [true, true]





  1. A fresh look at JavaScript Mixins by Angus Croll from May 2011
  2. The many talents of JavaScript for generalizing Role Oriented Programming approaches like Traits and Mixins from April 2014.


var Enumerable_first = function () {
  this.first = function () {
    return this[0];
var list = ["foo", "bar", "baz"];

console.log("(typeof list.first)", (typeof list.first)); // "undefined"

Enumerable_first.call(list); // explicit delegation

console.log("list.first()", list.first()); // "foo"


var Enumerable_first_last = function () {
  this.first = function () {
    return this[0];
  this.last = function () {
    return this[this.length - 1];
console.log("(typeof list.first)", (typeof list.first));  // "function"   // as expected
console.log("(typeof list.last)", (typeof list.last));    // "undefined"  // of course

Enumerable_first_last.call(Array.prototype);  // applying behavior to [Array.prototype]

console.log("list.last()", list.last());      // "baz"  // due to delegation automatism


  1. traits.js
  2. CocktailJS






在没有太多胶水代码(如上所述)的情况下,图书馆的不可知性方法只能用于极精细的可折合成的行为再利用单位。 因此,只要不超过1或2个容易解决的冲突,以Angus Crolls Flight Mixins 为基础的模式就是可遵循的途径。

如果涉及到真正的特性,则必须有一个抽象的层次。 这个层次( 例如, 提供某种像 DSL 那样的合成糖) 需要隐藏复杂性, 比如, 特性的合成特征或冲突解决的特性在时间上( 当特性的行为被应用到对象/类型时) 。



org/traitsjs' rel=“nofollow”>trait.js 图书馆。它们也有关于一般模式及其具体执行的相当好的文章。我最近在我的项目中建了起来,它很有魅力。

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