English 中文(简体)
原标题:Finding and splitting at a character from a string inside a list of lists

我参加这个活动已有几天了,尝试了各种不同的方法,检查了至少50个不同的堆积流/平通图书馆/平通新闻组问题,但没有任何人提供了很大的帮助。 (尽管我并不感到惊讶,如果它在外面,我错过了它。 )


我有一份清单 里面有字符串 如下:

[[ CAA46951&Homeobox domain&192:248&F&#CDC1C5&NULL&PFAM&Y&433& ],
 [ CAA46951&Homeodomain-like&165:252&S&#CD5B45&NULL&SCOP&Y&433& ],
 [ 5330400P12&WD domain, G-beta repeat&131:168&F&#FF8C69&NULL&PFAM&Y&296& ],
 [ 5330400P12&WD domain, G-beta repeat&173:210&F&#FF8C69&NULL&PFAM&Y&296& ],
 [ 5330400P12&WD40-repeat&1:296&S&#00FF7F&NULL&SCOP&Y&296& ],
 [ AAH62206&Cell division protein&38:311&S&#00CED1&NULL&PFAM&Y&425& ],
 [ AAH62206&P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases&36:279&S&#00FFFF&NULL&SCOP&Y&425& ]]

我想将每个字符串分割成一个分隔字符串, 在一个列表中( 所以 [ [ a, b, c], [ a2, b2, c2 ] 排序列表, 而不是 [ [ a& b& c], [ a2& b2& c2] ]



CAA46951&Homeobox domain&192:248&F&#CDC1C5&NULL&PFAM&Y&433& CAA46951&Homeodomain-like&165:252&S&#CD5B45&NULL&SCOP&Y&433&)

LofL=[[ CAA46951&Homeobox domain&192:248&F&#CDC1C5&NULL&PFAM&Y&433& ], 
      [ CAA46951&Homeodomain-like&165:252&S&#CD5B45&NULL&SCOP&Y&433& ], 
      [ 5330400P12&WD domain, G-beta repeat&131:168&F&#FF8C69&NULL&PFAM&Y&296& ], 
      [ 5330400P12&WD domain, G-beta repeat&173:210&F&#FF8C69&NULL&PFAM&Y&296& ], 
      [ 5330400P12&WD40-repeat&1:296&S&#00FF7F&NULL&SCOP&Y&296& ], 
      [ AAH62206&Cell division protein&38:311&S&#00CED1&NULL&PFAM&Y&425& ], 
      [ AAH62206&P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases&36:279&S&#00FFFF&NULL&SCOP&Y&425& ]]

for L in LofL:
    for e in L:
        for s in e.split( & ):
            if s:


[[ CAA46951 ,  Homeobox domain ,  192:248 ,  F ,  #CDC1C5 ,  NULL ,  PFAM ,  Y ,  433 ], [ CAA46951 ,  Homeodomain-like ,  165:252 ,  S ,  #CD5B45 ,  NULL ,  SCOP ,  Y ,  433 ], [ 5330400P12 ,  WD domain, G-beta repeat ,  131:168 ,  F ,  #FF8C69 ,  NULL ,  PFAM ,  Y ,  296 ], [ 5330400P12 ,  WD domain, G-beta repeat ,  173:210 ,  F ,  #FF8C69 ,  NULL ,  PFAM ,  Y ,  296 ], [ 5330400P12 ,  WD40-repeat ,  1:296 ,  S ,  #00FF7F ,  NULL ,  SCOP ,  Y ,  296 ], [ AAH62206 ,  Cell division protein ,  38:311 ,  S ,  #00CED1 ,  NULL ,  PFAM ,  Y ,  425 ], [ AAH62206 ,  P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases ,  36:279 ,  S ,  #00FFFF ,  NULL ,  SCOP ,  Y ,  425 ]]


newL=[filter(len, e.split( & )) for l in LofL for e in l] 
>>> oldList = [[ a&b&c ], [ d&e&f ]]
>>> newList = [item[0].split( & ) for item in oldList]
>>> newList
[[ a ,  b ,  c ], [ d ,  e ,  f ]]

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