我的应用程序有 2 模块, 一个是 jar, 另一个是 gwt 战争 。 在 jar 模块 (non- gwt) pom. xml 中, 我加
and als-admin-viewer-core-1.0.0-sources.jar is successfully created. Then In the webapp(a gwt application) pom.xml, I want to use this jar, and 内the segment, I add
but when I run maven install for this project (als-admin-viewer-webapp), error No source code is available for type hk.gov.ehr.service.tch.als.admin.viewer.core.LogSearchCriteria; did you forget to inherit a required module? is prompted.
<compileSourcesArtifact>hk.gov.ehr.service.tch.als:als-admin-viewer-core</compileSourcesArtifact> <!-- groupId:artifactId -->
Gwt- maven- plectin 的一部分, 但仍没有帮助!