English 中文(简体)
随机颜色和 div 宽度不工作
原标题:Random color and div width not working
  • 时间:2012-05-22 15:52:35
  •  标签:
  • php


  // Returns a random RGB color (used to color the vote bars)
  function getRandomColor2()
       $r2 = rand(128,255); 
       $g2 = rand(128,255); 
       $b2 = rand(128,255); 
       $color2 = dechex($r2) . dechex($g2) . dechex($b2);
       echo "$color2";

  echo "<table id="tblResults2" align="center">";

  // Get max vote count
  $doc = new DOMDocument();
  $maxvotes2 = 0;
  $pollitems2 = $doc->getElementsByTagName("pollitem");
  foreach( $pollitems2 as $pollitem2 )
    $votes2 = $pollitem2->getElementsByTagName("votes");
    $vote2 = $votes2->item(0)->nodeValue;
    $maxvotes2 = $maxvotes2 + $vote2;

  // Generate the results table
  $doc = new DOMDocument();
  $pollitems2 = $doc->getElementsByTagName("pollitem");
  foreach( $pollitems2 as $pollitem2 )
    $entries2 = $pollitem2->getElementsByTagName("entryname");
    $entry2 = $entries2->item(0)->nodeValue;
    $votes2 = $pollitem2->getElementsByTagName("votes");
    $vote2 = $votes2->item(0)->nodeValue;
    $tempWidth2 = $vote2 / $maxvotes2;
    $tempWidth2 = 300 * $tempWidth2;
    $votepct2 = round(($vote2 / $maxvotes2) * 100);
    echo "<tr><td width="45%" class="polls">$entry2</td>";
    echo "<td width="35%" class="resultbar"><div class="bar" style="background-color: ";
        echo "; width: $tempWidth2 px;">$votepct2%</div></td><td class="each_vote" width="20%">($vote2 votes)</td></tr>";
  echo "<tr><td width="45%" class="total" colspan="3">Σύνολο ψήφων: $maxvotes2</td>";
  echo "</table>";

我的问题是,当我称之为它, 一切工作,但:

  1. 我没有颜色

  2. 我所有显示% 的 DIV 数据宽度相同, 而不是 $tempWidth2

Is it easier to display fixed (different) colors for each div? Thank you


更改 :

echo "$color2";


echo "#$color2"; // added #, fixes colors


echo "; width: $tempWidth2 px;">$votepct2%</div></td><td class="each_vote" width="20%">($vote2 votes)</td></tr>";


echo "; width: {$tempWidth2}px;">$votepct2%</div></td><td class="each_vote" width="20%">($vote2 votes)</td></tr>";
// removed a space, wrapped var in {}, fixes widths

...尽管在可读性方面你会做得更好 从函数中返回一个字符串,像这样:

function getRandomColor2()
     $r2 = rand(128,255); 
     $g2 = rand(128,255); 
     $b2 = rand(128,255); 
     $color2 = dechex($r2) . dechex($g2) . dechex($b2);
     return "#".$color2;

// ...

echo "<tr>"
   . "<td width="45%" class="polls">{$entry2}</td>"
   . "<td width="35%" class="resultbar">"
   . "<div class="bar" style="background-color: ".getRandomColor2()."; width: {$tempWidth2}px;">{$votepct2}%</div>"
   . "</td>"
   . "<td class="each_vote" width="20%">({$vote2} votes)</td>"
   . "</tr>";


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