我为我的客户开发移动网站。 这个特定客户想要在网站上显示一些Facebook挂图活动。 我已经查看了Facebook图Api, 并且对认证感到困惑。
I need the blah in https://graphs.facebook.com/clientsfacebookid/feed?access_token=blah in order to grab the info i want. I read about authentication and all of that but it doesn t seem to serve my purposes.. For example a lot of the stuff I read about getting a token is related to creating apps and stuff - which is not what I m trying to do. A lot of ways to authenticate redirect users to log in or grant access to the information but this also doesn t seem like it fits my scenario.
我应该和我的委托人谈谈 让他们给我发一个访问代码 或者设置一条溪流 这样我就可以找到一个最新的访问代码 每当我需要它的时候
P.S. I am trying to implement this via an ajax call in javascript. Thanks!