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PHP - 无法从其他类的 Mysqli 类中引用方法
原标题:PHP- Cannot reference method from mysqli class in another class

我试图继承所有的方法 和属性 从超全球的Mesqli 类到我的DB类。


class DB extends mysqli
    protected $mysqli;

    public function __construct () {
        // connect to MySQL
        $mysqli = new mysqli( host ,  username ,  password ,  dbname );

        // output error if unable to connect
        if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
            echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " .     $mysqli->connect_error;


class Meetings

    function __construct () {
        require_once( ../include/classes/db.class.php );
        $db = new DB();

        $field = $db->real_escape_string($_POST[ about ]);



在会议课上,我想通过即时DB课 来称呼真实的越野字符串方法 由超级全球的Mesqli课继承

我得到这个错误 : 警告: Mysqli:: real_ escape_string () [mysqli. real- escape- string]: 无法获取 DB


Oops! You created the DB object, and the db object creates an another instance of the mysqli class. You should not call new mysqli, but you should call

parent::__construct( host ,  username ,  passw或d ,  dbname )

    parent::mysqli( host ,  username ,  passw或d ,  dbname )

I don t know which is the good f或mat f或 the mysqli construct或.

在此之后, 您不需要 DB 类中的 Mysql 属性, 因为在这种情况下, 您的 Mysqli 属性等于 DB 类的美元 。 所以, 不是 $mysqli- gt; connect_ errno, 而是$this- gt; connect_ errno 是正确的 。

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