I have two objects on my screen, a grid and a chart being populated by the same store. What I need to do is highlight the Column on the chart related to the item I clicked in the grid.
In the function I ve figured half way to do it using Ext.getCmp( chart ).series.get(0). But don t know what to do to get to each item of the series and highlight it, as the getItemForPoint(x,y) keeps returning null values...
// Code for my grid
columnWidth: .25
,xtype: grid
,hideHeaders: true
,border: true
,styke: padding-top: 60px;
,height: 360
,store: participation
,columns: [{
dataIndex: ID
,width: 24
dataIndex: Supplier
,width: 204
,listeners: {
select: function() {
// function to highlight the column on my chart
// Code for my chart
border: false
,layout: column
,items: [{
columnWidth: .75
,xtype: chart
,animate: true
,height: 432
,shadow: false
,id: chart
,store: participation
,axes: [{
type: Numeric
,position: left
,grid: true
,fields: Participation
,title: Share
,label: {
renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer( 0.00 +"%")
type: Category
,position: bottom
,fields: ID
,series: [{
type: column
,axis: left
,highlight: true
,xField: ID
,yField: Participation
,tips: {
trackMouse: true
,width: 312
,maxWidth: 360
,height: 36
,constrainPosition: true
,renderer: function(storeItem, item) {
this.setTitle( Supplier: + storeItem.get( Supplier )+ <br/> + Share: + Ext.util.Format.number(storeItem.get( Share ),"0.00")+ % );
,style: {
lineWidth: 1
,stroke: #666