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无法解析 Javascrip 记时器
原标题:Can t solve Javascript Timer

我的计时器在这个页面上"http://jian.comoj.com/countdown.php" rel=“nofollow”>http://jian.comoj.com/countdown.php 没有倒计时。我在这样做时遵循了视频辅导,但不知何故有些不对劲,我不知道是什么。

include "connect.php";
$query= "select * from product where product_id= 1 ";
$result= mysql_query($query);
$record= mysql_fetch_object($result);
$time= $record->end_time;
date_default_timezone_set( Asia/Singapore );
$unix_time= strtotime($time);

? & gt;

<script type="text/javascript">

    function countdown(){

            $now= time();

            $sec= $unix_time-$now;

            $min= $sec/60;

            $hour= $min/60;

            $sec %= 60;

            $min %= 60;
            ? & gt;

        var hour= <?php echo floor($hour); ? & gt;;
        var min= <?php echo $min; ? & gt;;
        var sec= <?php echo $sec; ? & gt;;
        document.getElementById("hour").innerHTML = hour;
        document.getElementById("min").innerHTML = min;
        document.getElementById("sec").innerHTML = sec;
        setInterval( countdown() ,1000);


<div id="hour"></div>
<div id="min"></div>
<div id="sec"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">countdown();</script>
function countdown(){

        var hour= 3;
        var min= 39;
        var sec= 58;
        document.getElementById("hour").innerHTML = hour;
        document.getElementById("min").innerHTML = min;
        document.getElementById("sec").innerHTML = sec;
        setTimeout( countdown() ,1000);

看看他们的功能是固定的, 即小时,分钟和秒。

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