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原标题:Using Autocomplete populate more than one field

I am trying to implement auto complete via jquery auto complete plugin. I have used the script from here jQuery UI autocomplete. I currently have a field called Search Infections where I am storing the Description .

<td>Search Infection</td>
<input id="tags" type="text"  size="80" /></td>

自动完成此操作正常 。

我还有一个叫做“短码”的字段, 我想存储“ 强” 代码 < / 强” 。

<td>Short Code</td>
<input id="" type="text"  size="15" /></td>




  Code  Description
  ID01  Actinomycosis
  ID02  Aspergillosis
  ID03  Bacteraemia / blood stream infection/ Septicaemia
  ID04  Bacterial meningitis
  ID05  Bronchiectasis
  ID06  Candidiasis
  ID07  Carotid patch infection
  ID08  Cellulitis
  ID09  Cerebral abscess
  ID10  Cholangitis

  $(function() {
    var availableTags = [
                  "Bacteraemia / blood stream infection/ Septicaemia",
                  "Bacterial meningitis",
                  "Carotid patch infection",
                  "Cerebral abscess",
    $( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
        source: availableTags

尝试此链接 。


var availableTags = [
    {key:"ID03",value:"Bacteraemia / blood stream infection/ Septicaemia"}




我还使用一个插件用于文本事件 :



Live Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/oscarj24/SUckd/1/

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