English 中文(简体)
找到多个服务器映射情景中使用的匹配的 URL 模式
原标题:finding the matched url-pattern used in a multiple servlet-mapping scenario

假设我有一个 Java 服务器, 我想用它做两个(或更多)不同的 URL 模式:






我想知道的是,我怎样才能从我的代码中知道请求被匹配的路径是什么? (即,如果请求是向 /myapp/yet/another/exact/path 提出的,我想获得字符串 /yet/another/exact/path ) 。


我尝试了 string 路径 = req.get truetractorURI () 但它也返回 /myap 部分 。


HtpServlet request.get ServletPath () 返回URL 模式, 不包括 / / code> 和 HtpServlet request. getPathInfo () 返回与 / / code > (或 null 匹配的部分 。



     * Returns any extra path information associated with
     * the URL the client sent when it made this request.
     * The extra path information follows the servlet path
     * but precedes the query string and will start with
     * a "/" character.
     * <p>This method returns <code>null</code> if there
     * was no extra path information.
     * <p>Same as the value of the CGI variable PATH_INFO.
     * @return      a <code>String</code>, decoded by the
     *          web container, specifying 
     *          extra path information that comes
     *          after the servlet path but before
     *          the query string in the request URL;
     *          or <code>null</code> if the URL does not have
     *          any extra path information
    public String getPathInfo();

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