English 中文(简体)
原标题:Realtime Chart on Android using ChartDroid(or Any)

Is there any example to show chart realtime. My temperature sensor read data real time and send it to DB then use data from DB to build Chart Realtime.


i 与您有同样的问题, 并且目前正在尝试了解更多, 从我所拍摄到的摄像头中, 我猜您可以在此学习这个例子, < a href="http://www.jjaoe64.com/p/graphview-library.html" rel=“nofollow” >http://www.jhoe64.com/p/graphview-library.html , 或许您可以通过网络服务更新这些价值观? 也许json或类似的东西能为你工作!



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