English 中文(简体)
通过在文本框中输入多产品 ID,在购物车中添加多个驱动器
原标题:adding multiple produt to shopping cart by entering multiple product ID in a textbox

I am developing an option in Magento where the customer can enter multiple product ID s in a text box and add them to Shopping Cart. I have been able to do it for only one product ID where it is entered in a input box by using the following jquery,

            var id = $("#nam").val();
            $.post("....../checkout/cart/add", { product:id },
            function(data) {
                alert("The Product is added to your shopping cart.");

var id 获取输入框的值。

In an input box I am taking one product ID and so it s no problem in fetching the value and passing it to the add product page by using jquery.post(). But if I enter several product ID s separated by comma in a text box how will I fetch each productID and send it to add product page for updating ? Is there any better way to do it other than using jquery.post() method ?


您可以用一个分隔符分割你的标识, 并在所生成的向购物卡添加项目的数组中循环。 例如 :

            var ids = $("#nam").val().split(   ); // SPACE seperated Ids
            for(i = 0; i < ids.length; i++){
              var id = ids[i];
              $.post("....../checkout/cart/add", { product:id },
              function(data) {
                //alert("The Product is added to your shopping cart.");

在这样做之前, 您必须先净化您的文本框值 。

 $(document).ready(function () {
                $("#submit").click(function () {
                    var productIds = [];

                    $.each($("#nam").val().split( , ), function (i, value) {
                        if (value.length > 0) {

                    $.post("....../checkout/cart/add", { productIds: productIds },
                                                          function (data) {
                                                              alert( The  + (productIds.length == 1 ?  Product  :  Products ) +   is added to your shopping cart. );

            public ActionResult add(int[] productIds)
                return Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


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