English 中文(简体)
原标题:Save video to custom album in camera roll

我能够将图像保存到 iPhone 相机滚动中的自定义相册中。 例如, 相册名称可以是“ Fun ”, 我拍摄的所有图像都会放入该文件夹。 我遇到了一个帮手班< a href=' http://www.touch- code-magazine.com/ ios5- savec- photos- in- custom- photo- album- 类以下载/ “ rel=“ no follown” >, 这里非常适合完成我想要完成的任务 。

然而,我所使用的方法并没有将视频保存到自定义文件夹中,但是创建了文件夹 - 它只是空的视频, 我试图保存在那里。 我尝试了调试它, 但没有进展。 这个方法在这里 :

-(void)addAssetURL:(NSURL*)assetURL toAlbum:(NSString*)albumName withCompletionBlock:(SaveImageCompletion)completionBlock
__block BOOL albumWasFound = NO;

    //search all photo albums in the library
[self enumerateGroupsWithTypes:ALAssetsGroupAlbum 
                    usingBlock:^(ALAssetsGroup *group, BOOL *stop) {
                        //compare the names of the albums
                        if ([albumName compare: [group valueForProperty:ALAssetsGroupPropertyName]]==NSOrderedSame) {
                            //target album is found
                            albumWasFound = YES;

                            NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:assetURL];
                            if ([data length] > 0) {
                                //get a hold of the photo s asset instance
                                [self assetForURL: assetURL 
                                      resultBlock:^(ALAsset *asset) {

                                          [group addAsset: asset];

                                          //run the completion block

                                      } failureBlock: completionBlock];

                            //album was found, bail out of the method

                        if (group==nil && albumWasFound==NO) {
                            //photo albums are over, target album does not exist, thus create it

                            __weak ALAssetsLibrary* weakSelf = self;

                            //create new assets album
                            [self addAssetsGroupAlbumWithName:albumName 
                                                  resultBlock:^(ALAssetsGroup *group) {

                                                      //get the photo s instance
                                                      [weakSelf assetForURL: assetURL 
                                                                    resultBlock:^(ALAsset *asset) {
                                                                        NSLog(@"asset: %@",asset);
                                                                        //add photo to the newly created album
                                                                        [group addAsset: asset];

                                                                        //call the completion block

                                                                    } failureBlock: completionBlock];

                                                  } failureBlock: completionBlock];

                            //should be the last iteration anyway, but just in case

                    } failureBlock: completionBlock];


有没有人知道 将视频保存到照片馆的自定义专辑里 的适当方式?



-(void)saveVideo:(NSURL *)videoUrl toAlbum:(NSString*)albumName withCompletionBlock:  (SaveImageCompletion)completionBlock
    //write the image data to the assets library (camera roll)
    [self writeVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum:videoUrl completionBlock:^(NSURL* assetURL, NSError* error) {

                       //error handling
                       if (error!=nil) {
                       时 时

                       //add the asset to the custom photo album
                       [self addAssetURL: assetURL

                   时 时];

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