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Drupal 7 和 社会名声 API
原标题:Drupal 7 and the Social Mention API

I m trying to use the example Social Mention RESTful API described here http://code.google.com/p/socialmention-api/wiki/APIDocumentation

只需在我的Drupal 7模块中使用以下线条:

$response = drupal_http_request( http://socialmention.com/search?q=iphone+apps&f=json&t=microblogs&lang=fr );

The request then times out. I ve tried a variety of options, but can t seem to get a response from this API. Any pointers are greatly appreciated. Thanks!


最后使用文件_get_contents () 来完成操作。 仍然不清楚为什么 drupal_ http_ request () 失败 。



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