English 中文(简体)
您如何从电子表格中添加列, 然后在 Perl 中生成百分比?
原标题:How do you add columns from a spreadsheet and then generate percentages in Perl?


Amistad Academy District Amistad Academy    596 812 73.4
Andover School District  Andover            39  334 11.7
Ansonia School District  Ansonia High School    427 732 58.3
Ansonia School District  Ansonia Middle School  219 458 47.8
Ansonia School District  Mead School            431 642 67.1
Ansonia School District  Prendergast School 504 787 64


  1 #!/opt/local/bin/perl
  2 use strict;
  3 use warnings;
  4 use ARGV::readonly;
  6 my @data;
  7 my @headers - split  , , <>;
  9 while (<>) {
 10   my @row = split;
 11   $data[$_] += $row[$_] for (0 .. $#row);
 12 }
 14 $" = "	";
 15 print "@headers", "
 16 print "@data";

但无法找到计算和分割的语法 。



每一栏你都在弹奏,你只想总结其中两栏 否则,你几乎就在那里了

my $sum_last = 0;  # Use better name.
my $sum_penu = 0;  # Use better name.
while (<>) {
   my @row = split /	/;
   next if $row[0] ne  Ansonia School District ;
   $sum_last += $row[-1];
   $sum_penu += $row[-2];

say $sum_last / $sum_penu;

下面的程序将从文档中选择值,并将每个学校区的运行总数保留在散列中。当所有数据都读完后,散列的内容会打印出来。它从未过滤的文件中工作 - 您不必将它切换成单独的来源 。

我注意到您的数据似乎以制表符分隔,使用 split // 很重要,这样包含空间字符的字段就不会被拆分。

你不说数据意味着什么 所以我不能让代码更易读。


use strict;
use warnings;

open my $fh,  < ,  myfile  or die $!;

scalar <$fh>; # lose header record

my %data;

while (<$fh>) {
  my @fields = split /	/;
  my $district = shift @fields;
  $data{$district}[0] += $fields[-2];
  $data{$district}[1] += $fields[-1];

for my $district (sort keys %data) {
  printf "%s - %f
", $district, $data{$district}[1] / $data{$district}[0];

<强 > 输出

Andover School District - 0.035030
Ansonia School District - 0.090569

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