我需要使用 JtextPanel 从键盘上获取输入, 在我按下输入时将其保存在字符串上, 然后用该字符串来根据输入( 例如“ help” 或“ quit ” ) 给出的行执行某些动作。 我在我的 KeyListener 在 JTextPanel 的 KeyListener 中得到了这个 :
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
int key = e.getKeyCode();
if (key == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
inputString = textField.getText();
textArea.append(inputString + "
String input = processInput();
else if ((input).equals("go"))
and processInput should be a method that waits for the (key== KeyEvent.VK_ENTER), like happens when you use the scanf in C or the bufferedReader in java, it waits for you giving a string from keyboard till you press enter. EDIT
while(!finished) {
finished = processInput()
processInput manages the command given in input. That s why I cant call processInput() from the keyListener I hope i was clear, my english is so bad!
感谢 谢谢