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如何在 JSF 表格中选择并删除所有行?
原标题:How to select all rows in JSF table and delete them?

I have a JSF table with check boxes and pagination. I have the following question: I want to select all rows into all table pages and delete them. The simple way is to create a Java hashmap and store the keys. Then Java method will delete them using the keys into the hashmap, but what will happen if the hashmap is more than 1 million? Maybe memory leak? Maybe the solution is to use this simple JavaScript to select all checkboxes:

//Select all checkbox
function selectall(){     
    $( button ).click(function() {
        $("[type=checkbox]").prop("checked", true);

//Unselect all checkbox
function selectall(){     
    $( button ).click(function() {
        $("[type=checkbox]").prop("checked", false);

There are two problems that I face: 1. If I use the JavaScript to select all checkboxes maybe only the checkboxes on the first page will be selected, if I switch on the second page there will not be selected checkboxes. The JavaScript only works for one page. 2. If I select all checkboxes with the JavaScript when I click on the delete button how the Java method would know that every checkbox is selected into the table and delete the rows? How I can solve these problems?


If I use the JavaScript to select all checkboxes maybe only the checkboxes on the first page will be selected, if I switch on the second page there will not be selected checkboxes.



聚焦于您想要实现的目标。 事实上您不想在您的可归并数据表格中选择所有100万个条目, 而是要删除支持您的数据表格的全部列表或收藏 。

为什么不添加一个简单的删除列表的按钮“ 全部删除 ”? 那么您就根本不需要关心选中的框 。

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