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原标题:how to remove a word from a string

hello i am a beginner in objective-c i have a nsstring like this

Select *  from Store_Master where AND  VDivison =  Casual Dining  AND VBrand_Name =  Pinkberry  AND VCountry_Name =  Egypt  AND VCity =  Cairo  AND VBuilding_mall_name =  Dandy Mega Mall  GROUP BY VStore_Name

我想先排除第一次出现的事 怎样才能排除



使用 stringByRepectingCharacters InRange 来替换仅第一层和:

NSString* s = @"Select *  from Store_Master where AND  VDivison =  Casual Dining  AND VBrand_Name =  Pinkberry  AND VCountry_Name =  Egypt  AND VCity =  Cairo  AND VBuilding_mall_name =  Dandy Mega Mall  GROUP BY VStore_Name";
NSRange replaceRange = [s rangeOfString:@"AND"];
if (replaceRange.location != NSNotFound){
    NSString* result = [s stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:replaceRange withString:@""];


Select *  from Store_Master where   VDivison =  Casual Dining  AND VBrand_Name =  Pinkberry  AND VCountry_Name =  Egypt  AND VCity =  Cairo  AND VBuilding_mall_name =  Dandy Mega Mall  GROUP BY VStore_Name


如果您想要在不敏感的情况下删除 的出现( 无关紧要的小写大写), 请在创建 NSRange 时使用 < code> NSStringCompareops , 例如 :

NSRange replaceRange = [s rangeOfString:@"and" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];


NSString *s = @"your string";
NSInteger loc = [s rangeOfString: @"AND"].location;
if (loc != NSNotFound) s = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%@", [s substringToIndex: loc], [s substringFromIndex: loc + 3]];

这将删除 AND 的第一次发生 。 第二行会找到第一次发生的地点 。 第三行会得到子字符串前后, 并用字符串ANDFormat 把它们组合在一起 。

获取位置后, 还有其他方法可以删除它, 例如使用 < code>stringingByReplactingCharactersInRange 来替换查找替换给定区域, 或者用我的示例来类似它, 但使用 stringByAputString 来连接部件 。

NSString *String1 = @"Select *  from Store_Master where AND  VDivison =  Casual Dining  AND VBrand_Name =  Pinkberry  AND VCountry_Name =  Egypt  AND VCity =  Cairo  AND VBuilding_mall_name =  Dandy Mega Mall  GROUP BY VStore_Name";
NSString *String2 = [String1 stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"AND" withString:@""];

NSString * aString  = @"Select *  from Store_Master where AND  VDivison =  Casual Dining  AND VBrand_Name =  Pinkberry  AND VCountry_Name =  Egypt  AND VCity =  Cairo  AND VBuilding_mall_name =  Dandy Mega Mall  GROUP BY VStore_Name";
NSRange replaceRange = [aString rangeOfString:@"AND"];
if (replaceRange.location !=NSNotFound){
    NSString * newString = [aString stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:replaceRange withString:@""];

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