English 中文(简体)
原标题:Swing CardLayout

What is the default behavior of cardlayout when you add two cards with same identifier. For example, if have panel1 which is added. Later in the program, I add panel2 with the same string identifier. Is the default behavior to replace panel1 with panel2 in the card stack? Thanks


下面是 CardLayount s 执行 adddadLayount Concomonent () , 由 addLayount Concomonent( compent, 对象限制) 执行。

public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) {
    synchronized (comp.getTreeLock()) {
        if (!vector.isEmpty()) {
        for (int i=0; i < vector.size(); i++) {
            if (((Card)vector.get(i)).name.equals(name)) {
                ((Card)vector.get(i)).comp = comp;
        vector.add(new Card(name, comp));

CardLayount 维持着一个 Card 对象的矢量(见下文)。看起来,在探测到名称碰撞时,用新添加的 component 替换了 Card 中具有相同名称的 Component 中的 。因此,有特定名称的 show () 将显示该名称中添加的 last 组件。

class Card implements Serializable {
    static final long serialVersionUID = 6640330810709497518L;
    public String name;
    public Component comp;
    public Card(String cardName, Component cardComponent) {
        name = cardName;
        comp = cardComponent;

能够 添加相同标识符的多卡。 您只能 [编辑] < engene% em> 。 您只能 still [/ 编辑] 导航到 show( container, String) 显示面板添加的 [编辑] 首先 < /strike{ strick_ engenem> last [/editit] 。


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