We have a serious problem with SlickGrid in an application.
The problem doesn t seem to have anything to do with the way we implement/built the Grid since the behavior is reproducable on every SlickGrid I ve seen.
Here s the problem: If the User is viewing a grid on less than FullScreen mode and scolls the grid horizontally, then snaps the browser to fullScreen, the column headers are out of sync with the column contents. This wouldn t be a problem if the Horz scrollbar was retained (scrolling even 1px resynch s columns/contents) but if the grid fits inside the window, there is no Horz scrollbar and no way to resynch the columns with the content.
我们需要的是一种方法 重新油漆列页页头 不重新油漆整个网格 或补丁的人 谁已经解决了这个问题。