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如何在 Backbone 模式中创建缓存/ 模拟器
原标题:How to make a cache/memorizer in BackboneModel

s 假设我有一个视图, 可以生成模型. fetch (), 然后请求服务器 。

I would like to implement:
1) A checker able to memorise the result
2) refresh the result (making the request to the server) only if the last request to the server is older than ten minutes.

What should I do?
Is there already a piece of code to make that?

define([], function() {

    var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({

    url: function () {
        return "http://localhost/restapi/model/";

    fetch () {
        if(diffTime > 10minutes) {
            // make request to the server
        else {
            // return memo



您需要推翻 Backbone. sync 方法 < a href=> "http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Sync" rel="no follow" >http://docuscloud.github.com/backbone/#Sync 。

此代码可以保存到本地存储处, 以实施缓存 < a href="http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/docs/backbone-localstorage.html" rel="no follow" >http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/docs/backbone-localstorage.html 。

如果数据超过10分钟, 在“ 读取” 选项中添加一些逻辑来从服务器获取数据是很简单的 。

正如 codmonkey 所说, 本地存储将是一个不错的选择。 但如果您不想为此使用图书馆, 您可以使用此类来扩展需要缓存功能的模型 。

var CachedModel = Backbone.Model.extend({

    lastFetch: null,    // millisec.
    cache: { }
    fetch: function () {
        if(!this.lastFetch || (lastFetch - Date.now() > 10*60*1000) {
            // make request to the server
        else {
            // return this.cache


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