English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to change preloading function?

http://www.luischales.com/miami-quinces-photography.html” rel=“no follow” >http://www.luischales.com/miami-quinces-photgraphy.html/a。 第一次打开幻灯片时,幻灯片不会开始,直到所有图像都上载(我以为),客户不愿意等待,所以我的问题是,有人能指示我一种按要求装入图像的方式吗? 或者至少先加载第一张图像,然后加载其他图像?


        $(function() {
            var $tf_bg              = $( #tf_bg ),
                $tf_bg_images       = $tf_bg.find( img ),
                $tf_bg_img          = $tf_bg_images.eq(0),
                $tf_thumbs          = $( #tf_thumbs ),
                total               = $tf_bg_images.length,
                current             = 0,
                $tf_content_wrapper = $( #tf_content_wrapper ),
                $tf_next            = $( #tf_next ),
                $tf_prev            = $( #tf_prev ),
                $tf_loading         = $( #tf_loading );

            //preload the images                
                onComplete  : function(){

            //shows the first image and initializes events
            function init(){
                //get dimentions for the image, based on the windows size
                var dim = getImageDim($tf_bg_img);
                //set the returned values and show the image
                    width   : dim.width,
                    height  : dim.height,
                    left    : dim.left,
                    top     : dim.top

                //resizing the window resizes the $tf_bg_img
            $(window).bind( resize ,function(){
                var dim = getImageDim($tf_bg_img);
                    width   : dim.width,
                    height  : dim.height,
                    left    : dim.left,
                    top     : dim.top

                //expand and fit the image to the screen
                $( #tf_zoom ).live( click ,
                    if($tf_bg_img.is( :animated ))
                        return false;

                        var $this   = $(this);
                        if($this.hasClass( tf_zoom )){
                            $this.addClass( tf_fullscreen )
                                 .removeClass( tf_zoom );
                            var dim = getImageDim($tf_bg_img);
                                width   : dim.width,
                                height  : dim.height,
                                top     : dim.top,
                                left    : dim.left
                            $this.addClass( tf_zoom )
                                 .removeClass( tf_fullscreen ); 

                //click the arrow down, scrolls down
                $tf_next.bind( click ,function(){
                    if($tf_bg_img.is( :animated ))
                        return false;
                        scroll( tb );

                //click the arrow up, scrolls up
                $tf_prev.bind( click ,function(){
                    if($tf_bg_img.is( :animated ))
                    return false;
                    scroll( bt );

                //mousewheel events - down / up button trigger the scroll down / up
                $(document).mousewheel(function(e, delta) {
                    if($tf_bg_img.is( :animated ))
                        return false;

                    if(delta > 0)
                        scroll( bt );
                        scroll( tb );
                    return false;

                //key events - down / up button trigger the scroll down / up
                    if($tf_bg_img.is( :animated ))
                        return false;

                        case 38:    
                            scroll( bt );

                        case 40:    
                            scroll( tb );

            //show next / prev image
            function scroll(dir){
                //if dir is "tb" (top -> bottom) increment current, 
                //else if "bt" decrement it
                current = (dir ==  tb )?current + 1:current - 1;

                //we want a circular slideshow, 
                //so we need to check the limits of current
                if(current == total) current = 0;
                else if(current < 0) current = total - 1;

                //flip the thumb
                    direction   : dir,
                    speed       : 400,
                    onBefore    : function(){
                        //the new thumb is set here
                        var content =  <span id="tf_zoom" class="tf_zoom"></span> ;
                        content     += <img src="  + $tf_bg_images.eq(current).attr( longdesc ) +  " alt="Thumb  + (current+1) +  "/> ;

                //we get the next image
                var $tf_bg_img_next = $tf_bg_images.eq(current),
                    //its dimentions
                    dim             = getImageDim($tf_bg_img_next),
                    //the top should be one that makes the image out of the viewport
                    //the image should be positioned up or down depending on the direction
                        top = (dir ==  tb )?$(window).height() +  px :-parseFloat(dim.height,10) +  px ;

                //set the returned values and show the next image   
                        width   : dim.width,
                        height  : dim.height,
                        left    : dim.left,
                        top     : top

                //now slide it to the viewport
                        top     : dim.top

                //we want the old image to slide in the same direction, out of the viewport
                    var slideTo = (dir ==  tb )?-$tf_bg_img.height() +  px :$(window).height() +  px ;
                        top     : slideTo
                    //hide it
                    //the $tf_bg_img is now the shown image
                        $tf_bg_img  = $tf_bg_img_next;
                    //show the description for the new image
                //hide the current description  
                    $tf_content_wrapper.children( :visible )


            //animate the image to fit in the viewport
            function resize($img){
                var w_w = $(window).width(),
                    w_h = $(window).height(),
                    i_w = $img.width(),
                    i_h = $img.height(),
                    r_i = i_h / i_w,

                if(i_w > i_h){
                    new_w   = w_w;
                    new_h   = w_w * r_i;

                    if(new_h > w_h){
                        new_h   = w_h;
                        new_w   = w_h / r_i;
                    new_h   = w_w * r_i;
                    new_w   = w_w;

                    width   : new_w +  px ,
                    height  : new_h +  px ,
                    top     :  0px ,
                    left    :  0px 

            //get dimentions of the image, 
            //in order to make it full size and centered
            function getImageDim($img){
                var w_w = $(window).width(),
                    w_h = $(window).height(),
                    r_w = w_h / w_w,
                    i_w = $img.width(),
                    i_h = $img.height(),
                    r_i = i_h / i_w,

                if(r_w > r_i){
                    new_h   = w_h;
                    new_w   = w_h / r_i;
                    new_h   = w_w * r_i;
                    new_w   = w_w;

                return {
                    width   : new_w +  px ,
                    height  : new_h +  px ,
                    left    : (w_w - new_w) / 2 +  px ,
                    top     : (w_h - new_h) / 2 +  px 

您可以尝试将第一张图像从您的 jQuery 选择器中排除 :

$( .photos ).not( .exclude-photo ).preload();

另一个选项可能是 < a href=>" "https://github.com/farinspace/jquery.imgpreload" rel=“nofollow” >jQuery 图像预装入插件 , 以查看 API 是否更符合您想要达到的目标 。

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