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PHP/数据库表格环环环 - 时仅显示15行
原标题:PHP/database table loop - display only 15 rows at time

我有一个数据库, 我正试图通过 PHP 进行编辑。 在主页上, 我想只显示表格的前15行, 然后点击用户来生成更多的表格行 。

include( ../config.php ); 
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT uid, title, description, tblFacilityHrsDateTimes.* FROM tblFacilityHrs LEFT JOIN tblFacilityHrsDateTimes ON tblFacilityHrs.uid = tblFacilityHrsDateTimes.owner_uid ORDER BY tblFacilityHrs.title") or die($mysqli->error);
    while($row =$result->fetch_assoc()){ 
        extract ($row);
        echo "<tr>";  
            echo "<td> {$id} </td>";  //hide when finished
            echo "<td> {$title} </td>"; 
            echo "<td> {$description} </td>";
            echo "<td> {$startEventDate} </td>";
            echo "<td> {$endEventDate} </td>";
            echo "<td> {$startTime} </td>";
            echo "<td> {$endTime} </td>";
            echo "<td> {$days} </td>";
            echo "<td> {$recurrence} </td>";
            echo "<td> {$finalDate} </td>";
            echo "<td>";
            echo "<a class="buttons" href=edit.php?id={$id}&uid={$uid}>Edit</a><span class= icon ></span></a>
            echo " / ";
            echo "<a class="buttons" href= javascript: Confirm() >Delete</a>";
            echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
        echo "</div>"; 

echo "</table>";



您可能正在寻找 Pagnation, 这可以通过 Mysql < strong > LIMIT 完成


$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT uid, title, description, tblFacilityHrsDateTimes.* FROM tblFacilityHrs LEFT JOIN tblFacilityHrsDateTimes ON tblFacilityHrs.uid = tblFacilityHrsDateTimes.owner_uid ORDER BY tblFacilityHrs.title LIMIT 15, $page ")



< a href=>"http://php.about.com/od/phpwithmysql/ss/php_pagination.htm" rel=“nofollow” > MySQL 查询结果的插入

< a href=> http://www.tonymarston.net/php-mysql/pagination.html" rel="no follow" > Pugination - 它是什么,如何做


检查手册页 < code> limit syntax < a href=> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/select.html", rel= “nofollow” > 。 select * 从表限制 0, 15 返回15行, 开始于除以 0 (第一行) 。 第二页您使用 limit 15, 15 获得行 16- 30, 然后 < code > limit 30, 15 < /code > 等。

您需要查看 Paging 。 此教程也许有帮助 : < a href=" http://www.php- mysql-tudition.com/wikis/php-tutimental/paging- using- php. aspx" rel = “ no follow” > http://www.php- mysql-tutominal.com/wikis/php-tutiment/pagging- using- php. aspx < /a >

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