We are currently reorganizing our source code, moving stuff around in a new directory structure. This impacts our Visual Studio solution and project files, where things like assembly references, possibly output directories, pre and post build events, and so on ... must be updated to reflect our changes.
$MySolution.Projects["MyProject"].PostBuildEvent = "copy <this> to <that>"
我知道 http://visualstudioogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/67620d8c-93dd-4e57-aa86-c9404abd7b3/" rel="noreferr">PowerConsole (我尚未充分探讨过这一点) 用于编译视觉工作室。然而,文件数量很少,我不确定它是否真正满足了我的需要。
容易操作的解决方案和工程文件还有别的东西吗? 最好是在PowerShell, 但我愿意接受其他建议。