English 中文(简体)
jj 查询表格是否有两条条件连续排列超过2 td 的情况
原标题:jQuery if table has more than 2 td in a row with 2 conditions

我试图合并两个条件 在一个“如果”声明,如果可能的话。

我想首先检查屏幕宽度, 然后看看表格的行或第一行中是否有超过2 tds。 如果有某种函数的话 。


var width = parseInt($(window).width());
if (width<=610) {  
//Need to add the other condition that is a table has more than 2 td s in a row


这是我想运行的真实代码。 请看我的评论, 如果执行超过两列的话 。

var width = parseInt($(window).width());
if (width<=610) {   

    //Need to figure out how execute this if there are more than 2 columns in the table???
    $( .content table ).replaceWith(function() {

    var $th = $(this).find( th ); // get headers
    var th = $th.map(function() {
        return $(this).text();
    }).get(); // and their values

    $th.closest( tr ).remove(); // then remove them

    var $d = $( <div> , {  class :  responsive-table  });

    $( tr , this).each(function(i, el) {
        var $div = $( <div> , { class :  box grey-bg }).appendTo($d);
        $( td , this).each(function(j, el) {
            var n = j + 1;
            var $row = $( <div> , {
                // class :  row-  + n
                 class :  row 
            $( <span> , {
                // class :  label-  + n,
                 class :  label ,
                text: th[j]
            }),   :  , $( <span> , {
                // class :  data-  + n,
                 class :  data ,
                text: $(this).text()
    return $d;  



var width = parseInt($(window).width());
var tableColCount = $( #tableID tr:first ).find( td ).length;

if (width<=610 && tableColCount  > 2) {  
  //Your code

function checkResult() {
    $("#IDOfYourTable tr").each(function() {
        if ((($this).find("td").size() > 1) || (($this).find("th").size() > 1))
            return true;
    return false;

3⁄4 ̄ ̧漯B

校正代码 :

var width = parseInt($(window).width());
var that = undefined;
function checkResult() {
    if (width <= 610) {
        $(".content table tr").each(function() {
            if (($(this).find("td").size() > 2) || ($(this).find("th").size() > 2))
                if ((that == undefined) || (that[0] != this)) {
                that = $(this);
    var $th = $(this).find( th ); // get headers
    var th = $th.map(function() {
        return $(this).text();
    }).get(); // and their values

    $th.closest( tr ).remove(); // then remove them

    var $d = $( <div> , {  class :  responsive-table  });

    $( tr , this).each(function(i, el) {
        var $div = $( <div> , { class :  box grey-bg }).appendTo($d);
        $( td , this).each(function(j, el) {
            var n = j + 1;
            var $row = $( <div> , {
                // class :  row-  + n
                 class :  row 
            $( <span> , {
                // class :  label-  + n,
                 class :  label ,
                text: th[j]
            }),   :  , $( <span> , {
                // class :  data-  + n,
                 class :  data ,
                text: $(this).text()

//Need to figure out how execute this if there are more than 2 columns in the table???
function foo(that) {
        if ($(this).find("td").size() > 2)

$( .content table ).each(function() {
$( .strip-these ).each(function() {
    $( tr , this).each(function() {
        var length = $( td , this).length;
        if (length > 2) {
            // code
            $( .strip-these ).replaceWith(function() {

                var $th = $(this).find( th ); // get headers
                var th = $th.map(function() {
                    return $(this).text();
                }).get(); // and their values
                $th.closest( tr ).remove(); // then remove them
                var $d = $( <div> , {
                     class :  responsive-table 

                $( tr , this).each(function(i, el) {
                    var $div = $( <div> , {
                         class :  box grey-bg 
                    $( td , this).each(function(j, el) {
                        var n = j + 1;
                        var $row = $( <div> , {
                            // class :  row-  + n
                             class :  row 
                        $( <span> , {
                            // class :  label-  + n,
                             class :  label ,
                            text: th[j]
                        }),   :  , $( <span> , {
                            // class :  data-  + n,
                             class :  data ,
                            text: $(this).text()
                return $d;


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