考虑下列 MySQL 表格:
unique_id | user_id | date_of_application | date_ended | score | status
1 user_a 2010-09-09 2010-12-24 1.2 Ended
2 user_a 2011-03-03 2011-06-06 1.3 Ended
3 user_a 2011-08-08 2011-10-10 1.0 Ended
4 user_b 2010-09-09 2010-12-24 2.2 Ended
5 user_b 2011-03-03 2011-06-06 1.5 Ended
6 user_a 2012-01-01 Active
7 user_b 2012-01-02 Active
8 user_c 2012-01-03 Active
9 user_d 2012-01-04 Active
user_id | date_of_application | score | status
user_a 2011-01-01 1.0 Active
user_b 2011-01-02 1.5 Active
user_c 2011-01-03 10 Active
user_d 2011-01-04 10 Active
要解释; 我想选择/ 播放所有有 < 坚固 > 状态的记录 = 主动 < / 坚固 > 。 此外, 那些不是第一次申请的用户( 用户_a 和用户_b) 的得分将设定为“ 坚固” 先前的、最新的 < / 坚固” 的( 应用程序表格中的粗体部分) 。 < / 坚固] 另一方面, 首次申请的用户( 用户_ c 和用户_d) 的得分将设定为 10 。
- Assume that score for Ended applications/records will always be positive and not null
- user_c and user_d are first time applicants
- the applications table will have multiple records of the same users over time, BUT users can only have ONE Active application/record at a time
I have the following to start with; this(or a query similar to this) gave me either NULL or 0 values for the score column
SELECT userid_, date_of_application, status,
score =
SELECT score
FROM applications
WHERE status = Ended AND
date_of_application = (SELECT MAX(date_of_application)
FROM applications
WHERE status= Ended )
FROM applications
status = Active
score ASC,
date_of_application ASC
What am I missing here?