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原标题:How to resume a song? [duplicate]

m. player. playing = fraud; 暂停 。

m. player. playing = true; 续会。

IPhone SDK file transfer resume support

I am trying to save voice recordings and transfer those files to my FTP server, typically ranging from 200kb up to 75 MB in size. I anticipate infrequent mid-session internet disconnections or app ...

Resuming a large file write in Python

I have a big file transfer (say 4gb or so) and rather than using shutil, I m just opening and writing it the normal file way so I can include a progress percentage as it moves along. It then ...

How to implement pause/resume in cocos2d game?

My question is to look for design solution for pause/resume states (including all data info, which need save ) during cocos2d game. Including following cases, but not limited: 1). User choose quit, ...

Android - Video Restart or Resume

I am writing a simple android application with a class that extends activity, that plays a video from a url on the web. There is a button on top that on click takes the user to a web page. What I ...

Android Resume Activity

In my app, I start an activity and then on button click, display an http url (using Intent - VIEW_ACTION) So when in the middle of the activity, if the user clicks the button called "Google", it ...

Java threading problem

I m using multiple threads in my application. Basically I have a combo box and upon selecting Inbox, p1 resumes and p2 is suspended and upon selecting Send, p2 starts and p1 stops. Below is the code (...

How to resume view stack of iphone application

We are implementing one web based application in iPhone. if i answered the incoming phone call my application is relaunching once again instead of resume the application to the state where it last ...
