English 中文(简体)
原标题:Populating an existing entity using hibernate

其同样的问题有: 将现有实体仅使用Nhibertate 进行正常的休眠,而不是Nhebertnate,这个问题也没有完全回答海事组织。


daoService.getEntityManager().find(Student.class, 123L); 
Student student = new Student(123) // Creating a new student



I can t use merge, as it returns a new instance (instead of filling the given instance) and I can t use load() if the ID belongs to an already attached entity. I want the code to be generic to every entity, so its not practical to just set the values manually. I d rather not use refelection in this context because of all the potential pitfalls (Lazy initialization, inheritance, get methods with no corresponding set methods and vice versa, etc.)





Student student = new Student();

metadata = factory.getClassMetaData(Student.class);

// copy id

for(Property prop in metadata.getPropertyClosureIterator)
    prop.setValue(student, prop.getValue(managedStudent));

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