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以相同方法从超级扩展类运行( Java)
原标题:Extended class running from super via same method (Java)


So, what I am trying to achieve: I have seen some java programs have a load of subclasses that have a method in their super class, and they all run when the supers method is called. What I am trying to do is make ever single child class of Synchroniser run their own RunAll method when I call the Synchroniser.RunAll method.


这就是我有的: 超优等班

public class Synchroniser 
    public Synchroniser()

    protected void RunAll()


import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;

public class ArrayList extends Synchroniser
    public ArrayList()


    public static void Keybind(Info info)

    protected void RunAll()
        System.out.println("Ran ArrayList");

似乎您正在寻找“ 坚固的” 观察器模式 < / 坚固 ” 。 您是否对此进行了谷歌? 或者“ 坚固的” 板板方法 < / 坚固 ”?

您的代码不匹配( 这可能是为什么它不起作用), 但您对问题的描述却符合 。

Bases on your latest comment, @Luchian was the right one. Here is a simple example applied to your use case - ps: not a good idea to use existing JDK classes as names for your own classes (ArrayList):

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ArrayList child1 = new ArrayList(1);
        ArrayList child2 = new ArrayList(2);
        Synchronizer sync = new Synchronizer(); //prints RunAll in Parent
        sync.runAll(); //prints RunAll in Parent, in Child 1 and in Child 2

    public static interface RunAll {

        void runAll();

    public static class Synchronizer implements RunAll {

        List<RunAll> listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<RunAll>();

        public Synchronizer() {

        public void addListener(RunAll l) {

        public void runAll() {
            System.out.println("RunAll in Parent");
            for (RunAll l : listeners) {

    public static class ArrayList implements RunAll {
        private final int i;

        private ArrayList(int i) {
            this.i = i;

        public void runAll() {
            System.out.println("RunAll in Child " + i);

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