English 中文(简体)
在创建自定义视图控制器时, 为什么我们不应该在 MaxView 中调用 [超载视图]?
原标题:Why should not we call [super loadview] in loadView when creating a custom View controller?

苹果开发商"http:// developer.apple.com/library/ios/#festated articles/View unloadingand Unloading/View Loadingand Unloading.html#/apple_ref/doc/uid/TP400007457-CH10-SW37" rel="nofollow" > reference 。它们的意思是“这样做会引发默认的浏览装入行为?

When overriding the loadView method to create your views programmatically, you should not call super. Doing so initiates the default view-loading behavior and usually just wastes CPU cycles. Your own implementation of the loadView method should do all the work that is needed to create a root view and subviews for your view controller. For more information on the view loading process, see “Understanding How Views Are Loaded and Unloaded.”


“ 默认行为” 正在装入相同名称的 XIB 文件, 连接属性等 。 如果没有匹配的 XIB 文件, 正如文件所说, 它会只是浪费 CPU 循环 。


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