我试图卸下Sybase ASA 9的图案,
它没有告诉我哪个触发器是参照这个栏目。 有没有办法找到哪个触发器是参照这个栏目?
我试图卸下Sybase ASA 9的图案,
它没有告诉我哪个触发器是参照这个栏目。 有没有办法找到哪个触发器是参照这个栏目?
select trigger_defn from sys.systrigger
where trigger_defn like %adjusted_amount%
I m trying to query a Sybase ASA 8 database with the iSQL client and export the query results to a text file in CSV format. However the column headings are not exported to the file. There is no ...
Using Sybase IQ v12.7. Executing sp_helptext ProcedureName shows the text of the stored procedure which is fine. However it wraps lines at 80 characters. The question is, how to show text text of a ...
I am trying to execute an SQL query on an Adaptive Server Anywhere database. Here it is: SELECT count(*) AS s FROM ( SELECT column1, count(*) AS n FROM table1 GROUP BY column1 HAVING ...
I m trying to overcome a very serious performance issue in which Sybase refuses to use the primary key index on a large table because one of the required fields is specified indirectly through another ...
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just having some headaches implementing something in a trigger on a old version of Sybase and wondered if anyone could help. In a nutshell, I want to write a trigger that will call another sproc for ...